
Prendo provides its clients with access to the simulation software and a variety of associated tools, facilitation, training and support services.

Access to simulation software
Participants download a 'simulation player' application, which is then used to access the simulation server (via a password) over a standard internet connection. Prendo provides test, trial, and demo passwords for free, but charges a "per password" fee for each full run of the simulation.
Trainer guides
Each simulation has a comprehensive online trainer guide, which, apart from the passwords, contains all the materials a trainer needs to run a workshop (e.g. participant documents, a guide to the report tool).
Onsite workshop facilitation
Prendo facilitators can travel anywhere in the world to facilitate a simulation workshop.
Remote workshop facilitation
Prendo facilitators can remotely facilitate a simulation workshop, independently of the location of the participants, using virtual classroom technology. This may involve the onsite client facilitator running the introduction, and the Prendo facilitator running the debrief.
Train the trainer events
As well as Prendo facilitators, business school faculty, client facilitators and partner facilitators can also run a workshop. Prendo runs 'Train the trainer' events (that typically last a half to one day) in order to explain to client facilitators how to run a Prendo workshop. This event can either be run remotely, or onsite.
Prendo provides real time workshop support (over phone, skype, email etc) to client facilitators running workshops, who need guidance on technical or pedagogical issues.